Images tagged "carley"

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Palazzo Villani Stiozzi Ridolfi

Via Ricasoli 21
Firenze Italia 50122

Palazzi Community Center

What is Corridoio Fiorentino?

Corridoio Fiorentino is the photographic gallery located at the DIVA/IDEAS campus that features the works of external photographers, designers, as well as DIVA/IDEAS students and faculty.  Corridoio Fiorentino is a mirror through which Florentine artists, students, and faculty reflect their perception of the visual and digital arts and share it with the city of Florence.

Student Academic Involvement

Group and solo exhibits are meant to communicate a contemporary vision of digital arts and involve the community with the DIVA/IDEAS mission of interpreting and teaching arts through interactive digital media. Group and solo exhibits are meant to communicate a contemporary vision of digital arts and involve the community with the DIVA/IDEAS mission of interpreting and teaching arts through interactive digital media. Corridoio Fiorentino provides a physical venue and online presence for current and past exhibits created by established and emerging photographic artists through the assistance of FUA-AUF. Corridoio Fiorentino is to serve students, faculty and professional artists in the field of digital imaging by preserving, collecting, exhibiting, and fostering the understanding of works of art, at the highest possible scholarly standards.

Get Involved in Experiential Learning!

Anyone who seeks a professionalizing experience can get involved as well. Through enrollment in Learn and Serve courses, team members may assist with the areas of operations and management. Learn and Serve is fully taught, supervised, and coordinated by instructors and offers the unique experience of professional integration and development for all individuals. Courses may be taken on a credit or non-credit basis.



In implementation of the EU Regulation 2016/679


Registered Headquarters in via Alfonso Lamarmora n. 39, Firenze
Administrative/Operative Headquarters: Palazzo Bombicci Guicciardini Strozzi, Corso Tintori 19-21, FIRENZE
p. IVA 05475460480 n. REA n. FI-549656

Registered Headquarters Via Ricasoli, 26, 50100 Firenze,
Administrative/Operative Headquarters Villa Brilli Peri, Via Guelfa 85-114-116 / FIRENZE
p. iva 05957530487 n. REA FI-622601

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Last updated: 6 May, 2018

1. New Home

FUA AUF Gallery
Learning Lab

Corridoio Fiorentino is to serve students, faculty and professional artists by preserving, collecting, exhibiting, and fostering the understanding of works of art, at the highest possible scholarly standards.

1 3 . 0 2 . 2 0 2 5 / 1 2 . 0 3 . 2 0 2 5

Tiny Florence​

FUA and AUF Student Exhibit

Opening Giovedì 13 Febbraio, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday February 13, 6:30pm

Ingresso gratuito, dal lunedì al sabato, dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

0 5 . 1 2 . 2 0 2 4  / 1 2 . 0 2 . 2 0 2 5

Final Student exhibit

Mostra degli studenti dei corsi semestrali di AUF e di FUA

Vernissage Giovedì 5 Dicembre, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday December 5, 6:30pm

Corridoio Fiorentino • Ingresso gratuito dal lunedì al venerdì, orario 8:30 – 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

1 4 . 1 1 . 2 0 2 4 / 0 4 . 1 2 . 2 0 2 4

Grand Tour Souvenirs

Notes from a Traveller – by grace lambert-phillips

Opening Giovedì 14 Novembre, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday November 14, 6:30pm

Ingresso gratuito, dal lunedì al sabato, dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

1 7 . 1 0 . 2 0 2 4  / 1 3 . 1 1 . 2 0 2 4


Mostra personale di Nicoletta Salomon

Vernissage Giovedì 17 Ottobre, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday October 17, 6:30pm

Corridoio Fiorentino • Ingresso gratuito dal lunedì al venerdì, orario 8:30 – 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

1 9 . 0 9 . 2 0 2 4 / 16 . 1 0 . 2 0 2 4

Tiny Florence​

AUF and FUA-AUF Student Exhibit

Opening Giovedì 19 Settembre, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday September 19, 6:30pm

Ingresso gratuito, dal lunedì al sabato, dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

1 1 . 0 7 . 2 0 2 4 / 3 1 . 07 . 2 0 2 4

Tiny Florence​

AUF and FUA-AUF Student Exhibit

Opening Giovedì 11 Luglio, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday July 11, 6:30pm

Ingresso gratuito, dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

20. 06. 2 0 2 4  / 1 0 . 07 . 2 0 2 4

Il Tempo In-atteso

Mostra personale di lisa lorenzini

Vernissage Giovedì 20 Giugno, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday June 20, 6:30pm

Corridoio Fiorentino • Ingresso gratuito dal lunedì al venerdì, orario 8:30 – 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

30. 05 . 2 0 2 4 / 19 . 06 . 2 0 2 4

Tiny Florence​

AUF and FUA-AUF Student Exhibit

Opening Giovedì 30 Maggio, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday May 30, 6:30pm

Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

02 . 05 . 2 0 2 4  / 29 . 05 . 2 0 2 4

Final Student Exhibit

Mostra degli studenti dei corsi semestrali di Auf e di Fua-Auf 

Vernissage Giovedì 2 Maggio, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday May 2, 6:30pm

Corridoio Fiorentino Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

11 . 0 4 . 2 0 2 4 / 01 . 05 . 2 0 2 4

La Carne delle piante

mostra personale di aurora bresci

Opening Giovedì 11 Aprile, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday April 11, 6:30pm

Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

14 . 03. 2 0 2 4  / 1 0 . 04 . 2 0 2 4


Mostra personale di laura fauzzi

Vernissage Giovedì 14 Marzo, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday March 14, 6:30pm

Corridoio Fiorentino Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

15 . 0 2 . 2 0 2 4 / 13 . 03 . 2 0 2 4

Tiny Florence​

FUA-AUF Student Exhibit

Opening Giovedì 15 Febbraio, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday February 15, 6:30pm

Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

7 . 1 2. 2 0 2 3  / 1 4 . 02 . 2 0 2 4

Gardens of Culture

Final student exhibit – fall 2023

Vernissage Giovedì 7 Dicembre, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday December 7, 6:30pm

Corridoio Fiorentino Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

16 . 11 . 2 0 2 3 / 6 . 12 . 2 0 2 3

Scatti senza Meta

mostra fotografica di alessandra pagliai

Opening Giovedì 16 Novembre, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday November 16, 6:30pm

Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

1 9 . 1 0. 2 0 2 3  / 1 6 . 1 1 . 2 0 2 3



Vernissage Giovedì 19 Ottobre, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday October 19, 6:30pm

Corridoio Fiorentino Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

21 . 0 9 . 2 0 2 3 / 18 . 10 . 2 0 2 3

Tiny Florence​

FUA-AUF Student Exhibit

Opening Giovedì 21 Settembre, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday September 21, 6:30pm

Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

03 . 0 8 . 2 0 2 3  / 2 0 . 0 9 . 2 0 2 3

Spolvero: Fresco Patterns - Past & Present

di Jean O’reilly barlow

Vernissage Giovedì 3 Agosto, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday August 3, 6:30pm

Corridoio Fiorentino Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – chiuso il 14 e 15 Agosto – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

13 . 0 7 . 2 0 2 3 / 2 . 0 8 . 2 0 2 3

Tiny Florence​

FUA-AUF Student Exhibit

Opening Giovedì 13 Luglio, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday July 13, 6:30pm

Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

2 2 . 0 6 . 2 0 2 3  / 1 2 . 0 7 . 2 0 2 3


di Dome Bulfaro

Vernissage Giovedì 22 Giugno, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday June 22, 6:30pm

Corridoio Fiorentino Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 – Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

1 . 0 6 . 2 0 2 3 / 2 1 . 0 6 . 2 0 2 3

Tiny Florence​

FUA-AUF Student Exhibit

Opening Giovedì 1 Giugno, ore 18:30
Opening Thursday June 1, 6:30pm


Palazzo Bombicci Guicciardini Strozzi | Corso dei Tintori 21 | Firenze | Italia

10 . 0 5 . 2 0 2 3 



Vernissage Mercoledì 10 Maggio, ore 18:30
Opening Wednesday May 10, 6:30pm

Corridoio Fiorentino Ingresso gratuito tutti i giorni dalle 8:30 alle 19:30 Via Ricasoli 21, Firenze

03 . 0 5 . 2 0 2 3 



Vernissage Mercoledì 3 Maggio 2023, ore 18:30
// Opening Wednesday May 3, 2023 – 6:30pm

Palazzo Bombicci Guicciardini Strozzi | Corso dei Tintori 21 | Firenze | Italia

Student Academic Involvment

Group and solo exhibits are meant to communicate a contemporary vision of digital arts and involve the community with the DIVA/IDEAS mission of interpreting and teaching arts through interactive digital media. Group and solo exhibits are meant to communicate a contemporary vision of digital arts and involve the community with the DIVA/IDEAS mission of interpreting and teaching arts through interactive digital media. Corridoio Fiorentino provides a physical venue and online presence for current and past exhibits created by established and emerging photographic artists through the assistance of FUA. Corridoio Fiorentino is to serve students, faculty and professional artists in the field of digital imaging by preserving, collecting, exhibiting, and fostering the understanding of works of art, at the highest possible scholarly standards.

Tiny Florence

Tiny Florence

Firenze Piccolina

ENG: Tiny Florence is an archive of photographs produced by Florence University of the Arts – American University of Florence students. The collection highlights various aspects of the city from the perspective of International study abroad students who are new to Florence and taking an introductory photography course. 

One student from the street photography course describes the experience as a step outside her comfort zone and a way to “gain confidence navigating Florence.” Some assignments require students to photograph strangers from an arm’s length and to wander down unfamiliar streets, something many never imagined doing in their home country. These experiences offer the students a unique way to delve into the city, resulting in artwork that showcases fresh perspectives of Florentine architecture, landscapes, people, and culture. 

Over the course of the academic session, students acquire considerable technical skills that help convert the moments they capture into unique, monochromatic works of art. The process allows students to communicate their impressions of the city and voice their artistic style. One student describes his final work as “emoting a cohesive feeling of tranquility.” The tiny 6x6cm images encourage viewers to take a closer look- drawing attention to aspects of the city that often go unseen. Tiny Florence represents the small pieces that make up the city.

ITA: Firenze Piccolina è un archivio di foto prodotte dagli studenti della Florence University of The Arts – The American University of Florence. La collezione evidenzia vari aspetti della città dalla prospettiva di studenti internazionali che stanno esplorando Firenze per la prima volta e frequentando un corso introduttivo di fotografia.

Uno degli studenti del corso di Street Photography ha descritto l’esperienza come un passo fuori dalla sua zona di confort ed un modo di “acquisire fiducia nel navigare Firenze”.  Alcuni degli esercizi richiesti dagli studenti includevano fotografare estranei da vicino and esplorare strade a loro poco conosciute, attività che probabilmente non avrebbero svolto nel loro paese d’origine. Queste esperienze hanno permesso di immergersi in un modo unico nella città, portando alla creazione di opere che mostrano nuove prospettive dell’architettura, delle paesaggi, della popolazione e cultura fiorentine. Durante la sessione accademica gli studenti hanno acquisito una considerevole conoscenza tecnica che li ha aiutati a catturare momenti chiave in queste opere monocromatiche. Il processo gli permette di comunicare le impressioni che hanno della città e allo stesso tempo dare voce al loro espressione artistica. Uno studente in particolare ha descritto il suo lavoro finale come “se esprimesse un coeso sentimento di tranquillità”. Le piccole immagini 6×6 cm incoraggiano l’osservatore a guardare meglio- attirando l’attenzione a dettagli che andrebbero persi altrimenti. Firenze Piccolina rappresenta tutti i singoli pezzettini che rappresentano l’intera città.


Mary Burner


University of South Carolina 


University of South Carolina 


University of South Carolina 


University of Tampa 
West Chester


Endicott College
Glen Rock


Endicott College
Glen Rock


Endicott College
Glen Rock


University of New Hampshire


University of New Hampshire


University of New Hampshire


University of Massachusetts Amherst 


University of Massachusetts Amherst 


University of Massachusetts Amherst 


University of Massachusetts Amherst 


University of Miami



University of Miami


University of Miami


Colorado State University 


Colorado State University 


Colorado State University 


Colorado State University 


Rochester Institute of Technology 
West Islip


Rochester Institute of Technology 
West Islip


Rochester Institute of Technology 
West Islip


Rochester Institute of Technology 
West Islip


Point Loma Nazarene University


Point Loma Nazarene University


Point Loma Nazarene University


Point Loma Nazarene University


Point Loma Nazarene University


University of Tampa


University of Tampa


University of Tampa


University of Tampa


Endicott College


Endicott College


Endicott College


Providence College 


Providence College 


Providence College 


Providence College 


Missouri State University


Missouri State University


Missouri State University


Missouri State University


Johnson & Wales University


Endicott College


Endicott College


Endicott College


Belmont University
Lagoona Beach


Belmont University
Lagoona Beach


Belmont University
Lagoona Beach


Lynn University
San Diego


Lynn University
San Diego


Lynn University
San Diego

Past Shows

Past shows

Corridoio Fiorentino is to serve students, faculty and professional artists in the field of digital imaging by preserving, collecting, exhibiting, and fostering the understanding of works of art, at the highest possible scholarly standards.


Tiny Florence – Spring 2025

Firenze Piccolina


Final Student Exhibit – Fall 2024

Fall 2024


Grace Lambert-Phillips


Nicoletta Salomon


Tiny Florence – Fall 2024

Fall 2024


Tiny Florence – Summer B 2024

Summer 2024


Lisa Lorenzini


Tiny Florence – Summer 2024

Summer 2024


Final Student Exhibit – Spring 2024

Spring 2024


di Aurora Bresci


di Laura Fauzzi


Tiny Florence – Spring 2024

Firenze Piccolina


Gardens of Culture – Final Student Exhibit Fall 2023

Student Final Exhibit - Fall 2023


Scatti senza Meta di Alessandra Pagliai

di Alessandra Pagliai


“OMO” di Paride Moretti


Tiny Florence Fall 2023

Firenze Piccolina


Spolvero: Fresco patterns – Past & present

di Jean O'Reilly Barlow


Tiny Florence Summer 2023

Firenze Piccolina


Cuoralberi di Dome Bulfaro

di Dome Bulfaro


Tiny Florence Spring 23

Firenze Piccolina


Grandparents of Mine by Maeve Mugglebee

by Maeve Mugglebee


IL MITICO CIPO by Sean Donnelly

by Sean Donnelly


Final Student Exhibit Spring 2023

Spring 2023


The Female Connection Artist by Lauren Vincent

by Lauren Vincent


Neptune’s Child by Chloe Johnson

by Chloe Johnson


Emozioni Opere di Anastazja Dzupina

di Anastazja Dzupina


Miradas suspendidas: Humans and animals in the portraits of José Bazán

Humans and animals in the portraits of José Bazán


Tiny Florence

Firenze Piccolina


Between fact and fiction

Fall 2022 - Final Student Exhibit


I figli della Luna

Sculture di Matteo Bonetti


Interi: The Florence Flood Collection



Oltre il Visibile

di Gryté Pintukaité


Mitad ceniza Mitad latido


Final Student Exhibit Spring 2022

Spring 2022


Daniela by Taylor Samuels

by Taylor Samuels


Growing Animosity By Carly Frommer

by Carly Frommer


Diluted by Lindsey Curabba

by Lindsey Curabba


Distinct Reality

Sergio Falco e Maurizio Villani


Arte diffusa

Gianni Mannocci e Caterina Perrone


BEHOLD: Beauty Through the Eyes of Many

Beauty Through the Eyes of Many


Almost Nothing by Nicoletta Salomon

by Nicoletta Salomon


Possible City

Sustainability & Environment


Mind Garden: Sustainability & Environment

Sustainability & Environment


David Weiss

Metalli preziosi, sostenibilità e territorio


Lorenzo Brini

Lorenzo Brini


Anh Nguyen

Flower Walk

Solo Exhibit and Publication of Solo Work Spring 23


and Publication of Solo Work 

 AUF/FUA-AUF Spring 2023

This series of solo exhibitions is the unbiased result of different and creative minds focusing on critical contemporary themes. Like alchemists, these young photographers take the heavy lead of everyday life and turn it into gold. Through their transformative gaze, photography becomes a sharp, gilded blade able to cut into the very fabric of reality and reveal the tender, raw marrow of contemporary self-expression.

Neptune’s Child

by Chloe Johnson

The Female Connection Artist

by Lauren Vincent

Neptune’s Child by Chloe Johnson

Neptune’s Child

by Chloe Johnson

AUF/FUA-AUF Photography Student

Neptune’s Child explores my idea of growing in confidence through a siren-esque character in three different stages of the process. The first chapter being false idealistic confidence, the version of the siren’s self she aspires to be, this identity only exists in her head. Chapter 2 showcases her confidence in her home in comfort clothes that hide her body. Although this version of herself is based in reality, the vulnerability and comfortability can only thrive in private without any judgment. The 3rd and final chapter is the siren out in the world embracing herself and the world around her. She is able to confidently wear clothes that hug her body in public. I chose to convey the theme of confidence through the siren character because of my affinity of water and mythology surrounding it. Sirens have been represented as beautiful alluring women residing near bodies of water. For me the siren represents this confidence I inspire to have.

Bio: Chloe Johnson is an American photography student currently earning her bachelor’s in photography at Virginia Commonwealth University and studying abroad at Florence University of The Arts for a semester. Born February 25 2002 in Dallas, Texas she grew up in Hillsborough, North Carolina.

Artist Statement:  My work as an artist focuses on highlighting black bodies, culture and women through fantasy and romantic ideas. Exploring black femininity in both traditional and non traditional aesthetics in order to expand our ideas of black womanhood. I use my work as a form of escapism creating stories and exploring personal themes through surrealist and fantasy aesthetics.

The Female Connection Artist by Lauren Vincent

The Female Connection Artist

by Lauren Vincent

AUF/FUA-AUF Photography Student

Maybe love stories were written about our friends.

Throughout the entirety of my life, through trials and tribulations, one thing has remained predominantly the strongest: my female friendships. Romantic love comes and goes. It never stays too long. But female friendships can last forever and are a constant reminder of love and support. 

There is also something special about the female connection; the way we hold space for each other is just different. Female friendship is divine. We care for each other in a tender and gentle way that is unlike any other type of relationship in the world. This divine femininity is present in all aspects of female friendship, but where I find it the most prominent is in the little moments. Whether it be through combing each other’s hair or painting nails, these small acts of femininity represent the core of all female friendships. In an effort to capture the delicate intimacy of female friendship, I created this series of photos as a love letter to all of the women in my life.  

Bio: Lauren Vincent is a third year honors student at the University of Colorado Boulder. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography along with a double minor in Media Production and Art History. Lauren has published work in two exhibitions, La La and Untitled, both in Boulder, Colorado. Additionally, she was selected by the University of Colorado Art Board of Directors along with a small handful of students to continue her fine art practice at a higher level and earn a BFA degree. Lauren is 20 years old and grew up in Louisburg, Kansas, a rural small town 30 minutes south of Kansas City with a population of 4,000 people. Photography has been her passion since getting her first camera in middle school. From then on, her life has been a whirlwind of ingenuity and self-expression. In late middle school and early highschool she started out doing commercial freelance photography, such as weddings and senior portraits, but has since shifted into creating conceptual fine art photography series.

Artist Statement: I am in a constant state of motion sickness. The human experience is constantly changing and its uniqueness varies from person to person. This change and consistent movement of life is something that has been hard for me to stomach. I have found little to no ways in my mind to grasp this thought and process changing yet impactful events in time and my life. But, there is one method that has helped me find peace of mind within the world; Photography. Photography does something our minds cannot. Photography captures change and makes time completely static. Photography shapes my perspective of the world and allows me to tell my stories of the vast human experience and how it has impacted my life. I use portraiture and meticulously created sets to capture my journey with the movement of life, and to express my emotions derived from societal issues such as sexism and the male gaze, and personal events such as mental health crises, eating disorders, and my experience as a woman in the world. I use both mediums of digital photography and analog photography.

AUF Solo Exhibit and Publication of Solo Work Spring 23


and Publication of Solo Work 

 AUF Spring 2023

This series of solo exhibits is the unbiased result of different and creative American University of Florence student minds focusing on critical contemporary themes. Like alchemists, these young photographers take the heavy lead of everyday life and turn it into gold. Through their transformative gaze, photography becomes a sharp, gilded blade able to cut into the very fabric of reality and reveal the tender, raw marrow of contemporary self-expression. 

Grandparents of Mine

by Maeve Mugglebee

Il Mitico Cipo

by Sean Donnelly

IL MITICO CIPO by Sean Donnelly


by Sean Donnelly

AUF Photography Student

Grandparents of Mine by Maeve Mugglebee

Grandparents of Mine

by Maeve Mugglebee

AUF Photography Student

As an ode to the abandoned grandchild, to the grandparents who were there, and everything in between, I am exploring the people who should hold their place. There is a disconnect, for me, between me and my grandparents, due to distance apart, intense family drama, degeneration, and premature death. The role of having someone in my life that is of another generation, beyond my parents’ generation, has been unfulfilled. Despite today’s political divide between generations, I find it significant to have someone older, almost as mentor, in life. 

Combined with the lack of that mentor figure, and the emotional loss and detachment of that part of the common family structure, I find myself looking for my grandparents everywhere. I watch older people walk in the street and wonder who they are, the significance of each wrinkle in their face, their existence at their stage in life. Even outside of my own family, the American way is to put our older generation away, to send them to homes and facilities where they are left, ignored, and forgotten. A beautiful aspect of my time in Italy has been to see that same forgotten generation, outside of their homes, taking walks, riding bikes, getting a coffee, socializing, and being an active part of society. This project is a portrait series dedicated to these people, to my own grandparents, and to the unresolved grandchild inside me.

Maeve Mugglebee is a 22 year-old photographer studying at the American University of Florence. Originally from Los Angeles, California, Maeve spent her childhood doing performing arts and discovered her passion for photography at the age of 13. She spent two years in Seattle, Washington working towards a double degree in International Studies and Photography and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, decided to continue her education abroad. In 2021, she moved to Florence to pursue a Career Certificate in Visual Communications with a specialization in Photography. Her work has gone from simple everyday shots to concert photography and portraiture, to travel and landscape photography, and she now continues to practice photography across all disciplines.  

Tiny Florence Spring 23

Tiny Florence

Firenze Piccolina

“Tiny Florence – Firenze Piccolina” è una vetrina che celebra l’essenza di Firenze attraverso i suoi dettagli. La mostra riunisce una serie di fotografie che catturano il vibrante paesaggio urbano, le interazioni tra le persone e il ricco patrimonio della città.

La mostra racchiude lo spirito di questa straordinaria città in un formato piccolo ma d’impatto: le fotografie in bianco e nero di 5 cm x 5 cm sono state sviluppate con metodi tradizionali.

Le opere esposte sono state create durante i corsi di “Introduction to Photography” e “Landscape and Architectural Photography”.

La missione di AUF / FUA-AUF è l’integrazione culturale, il coinvolgimento nella comunità locale e l’apprendimento esperienziale. Visti attraverso una lente diversa, questi momenti offrono una visione nuova, celebrando l’unicità e la vivacità che caratterizzano l’esperienza fiorentina.

Vi invitiamo a guardare la città da una nuova prospettiva, siamo curiosi di vedere quali piccoli dettagli di Firenze sono riusciti a catturare i nostri studenti.

The Tiny Florence exhibition is a showcase celebrating the essence of Florence with a collection of artistic expressions. The exhibition brings together a series of photographs capturing the vibrant cityscape and interactions between people and the city’s rich heritage.

The Tiny Florence exhibition encapsulates this remarkable city’s spirit in a small, but impactful, format 5 cm x 5 cm black and white photographs were developed using traditional methods. Works on display were created during the classes: Introduction to Photography and Landscape and Architectural Photography.

AUF / FUA-AUF’s mission aims to integrate culture, engage with the community, and provide learning through experience.

Seen through a different lens, these moments offer a fresh view, celebrating the uniqueness and liveliness which shape the Florentine experience. We invite you to look at the city from a new perspective. We are intrigued by tiny parts of Florence future students may capture.

Tiny Florence Summer 2023

Tiny Florence

Firenze Piccolina

“Quando scatto delle foto, cerco di riprendere una scena che catturi la curiosità di chi osserva la foto… voglio che lo spettatore si chieda come potrebbe essere la vita per quella persona rappresentata, o quante persone hanno annusato quel fiore, o quanti hanno attraversato quella porta”

Firenze è una città che rimane fedele alle sue radici storiche ed è un hub per le voci contemporanee. La bellezza sta sia nel ricco patrimonio artistico della città che si può trovare nei suoi numerosi musei sia nelle sue strade ricolme d’arte e architettura degli ultimi cinque secoli. Questa miscela crea un ambiente stimolante che gli studenti FUA-AUF abbracciano nelle loro attività accademiche.

La mostra, realizzata dagli studenti di Introduction to Digital Photography, consiste in una selezione di stampe in bianco e nero 5×5 cm. Agli studenti è stato fornito questo formato specifico da seguire e poi è stato dato loro libero sfogo per interpretare ciò che Firenze rappresenta per loro. Questo mezzo offre l’opportunità di catturare i dettagli inaspettati della città.

Questo progetto curatoriale fa parte della più ampia missione FUA-AUF che mira a integrare studenti e comunità locale attraverso un processo di apprendimento esperienziale. Immergendosi nell’ambiente fiorentino, gli studenti hanno sviluppato un’opportunità unica per interagire con la comunità e sviluppare legami sociali e culturali.

“When I take pictures, I try to capture a moment that leaves a person intrigued in the subject … I want the viewer to wonder or have a sense of curiosity of what life may be like for that person or how many people have smelled that flower or walked through that doorway”

Florence is a city that stays true to its historical roots and is a hub for contemporary voices.  Beauty lies both in the city’s rich artistic heritage that can be found in its many museums and its streets showcasing art and architecture from the past five centuries. This blend creates a stimulating environment that FUA-AUF students embrace in their academic pursuits. 

The exhibition, created by Introduction to Digital Photography students, consists of a selection of 5×5 cm black and white prints of students’ work. These student photographers were given just this specific format to follow and then given free rein to interpret what Florence represents to them. This medium offers an opportunity to capture the raw details of the city. 

This curatorial project is part of the larger FUA-AUF mission that aims to integrate students and community through a process of experiential learning. Immersing themselves in the Florentine environment, the students developed a unique opportunity to engage with the local community and develop social and cultural connections. 

Spolvero: Fresco patterns – Past & present

Fresco patterns - Past & present

di Jean O'Reilly Barlow

This exhibition by Jean O’Reilly Barlow gives new life and beauty to artifacts that have gone forgotten. Her spolvero creations are embellished with precious gems and other natural materials, showcasing the acclaimed, centuries-old technique that Barlow has made her own. Her transformation of antiques into mesmerizing works of art rejuvenates them into a newfound context. Her pieces stand as a reminder to the viewer that there still exists beauty within the discarded and broken.

With beginnings as Ireland’s first supermodel, Jean O’Reilly Barlow is no stranger to an emphasis on aesthetics. Regarding her company, Interi, Barlow maintains the stance that the home is the highest gallery and should be adorned as such. She favors the process of spolvero, an art form that uses the transference technique of “pouncing” an image from one surface to another using a fine powder. Jean O’Reilly Barlow employs this 15th-century practice to “salvage the sacred” with this collection. She believes the fragments discovered in these Italian ecclesiastical structures hold great potential to be made beautiful again and highlight the pieces’ “pure, natural beauty.”

This exhibition is part of Jean’s ongoing collaboration with Florence University of the Arts – The American University of Florence in a comprehensive and engaging project that provides FUA and AUF students with a look into the abandoned realms of Italian art history. Jean’s interest in the well-being of her surrounding community complements FUA-AUF’s mission to provide students with an educational model based on experiential learning, cultural integration, and engagement with local Florence.


Rubies (1)

Rubies (2)

Red Ribbon

Light Urn

Coloured Fruit


Bobby Ley

Blue Ribbon

Tiny Florence Fall 2023

Tiny Florence

Firenze Piccolina

 “Tiny Florence – Firenze Piccolina” è una vetrina che celebra l’essenza di Firenze attraverso i suoi dettagli. La mostra riunisce una serie di fotografie che catturano il vibrante paesaggio urbano, le interazioni tra le persone e il ricco patrimonio della città. La mostra racchiude lo spirito di questa straordinaria città in un formato piccolo ma d’impatto: le fotografie in bianco e nero di 5 cm x 5 cm sono state sviluppate con metodi tradizionali. Le opere esposte sono state create durante i corsi di “Introduction to Digital Photography” e “Introduction to Street Photography ”. 

La missione di AUF / FUA-AUF è l’integrazione culturale, il coinvolgimento nella comunità locale e l’apprendimento esperienziale. Visti attraverso una lente diversa, questi momenti offrono una visione nuova, celebrando l’unicità e la vivacità che caratterizzano l’esperienza fiorentina.
Vi invitiamo a guardare la città da una nuova prospettiva, siamo curiosi di vedere quali piccoli dettagli di Firenze sono riusciti a catturare i nostri studenti.

The Tiny Florence exhibition is a showcase celebrating the essence of Florence with a collection of artistic expressions. The exhibition brings together a series of photographs capturing the vibrant cityscape and interactions between people and the city’s rich heritage. 
The Tiny Florence exhibition encapsulates this remarkable city’s spirit in a small, but impactful, format 5 cm x 5 cm black and white photographs were developed using traditional methods. Works on display were created during the classes: Introduction to Digital Photography and Introduction to Street Photography”.

AUF / FUA-AUF’s mission aims to integrate culture, engage with the community, and provide learning through experience. Seen through a different lens, these moments offer a fresh view, celebrating the uniqueness and liveliness which shape the Florentine experience. We invite you to look at the city from a new perspective. We are intrigued by tiny parts of Florence future students may capture.

“OMO” di Paride Moretti

OMO di Paride Moretti

“OMO” di Paride Moretti

The title of the exhibition refers to a fragment of Dante’s literary work. In the XXIII Canto of Purgatory, the Poet mentions a widespread opinion among medieval moralists, according to which the letters O, M, and O could be recognized in the structure of the human face: the eyebrows and the nose form a kind of “M”, while the eyes, as was the style of the time, give rise to the two “O’s” contained within the two loops of the “M”. The visual language and the verbal language, the image and the word, are a communicative game already known in ancient times and widely exploited in the contemporary world.

The genesis of these illustrations resembles that of childhood doodles. They emerge without a precise intention, as a spontaneous practice of relaxation and contemplation. The graphic gesture is the tool that leads to places of inner reflection, to the treasure of symbols and images that animate the profound stages of human existence. But unlike the inner universe of children, that of us adults is populated not only by images, but also by words and concepts. The game of combining language becomes complex; what began as a liberating, childish gesture turns into a search for meaning.

Paride Moretti (born in 1972 in Grosseto) graduated in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and is a member of the academic staff at the University of the Arts in Florence. He is passionate about drawing and graphics and is the author of illustrated tables and artists’ books. A hobby that inevitably influences his work is wandering through antiquarian bookstores to peruse out-of-print or collectors’ editions in search of editorial curiosities as well as thoughts and influences outside of mainstream culture.

Viaggio di andata

Tutti contro tutti

Sembrava la luna

Ritratto di gruppo

Questa non è un ambulanza

Punti di vista

Proprietà privata


Portami via

Perdersi è trovarsi

Oscillante solitudine


O ego o eco

La vera ignoranza

La maschera collettiva

La falla

La fabbrica dei cervelli

L’altalena sul confine


In gold we trust


Imparando a volare

Il tetto infinito

Il sesso spiegato alle api

Il peso del popolo

Il pensiero unico

Il lavaggio

Il grande pipistrello

Il giorno in cui gli impiccati saranno palloncini

Il cerchio della colpa

I nuovi idoli

Homo domesticus


Farsi le ali

Falling in love

Dividersi un figlio

Discorso alla Nazione


Da vicino non si vede tutto

Cuori che non entrano in valigia

Comfort zone


Aiuti umanitari

384400 Km

Perdersi è trovarsi

Scatti senza Meta di Alessandra Pagliai

Scatti senza Meta

di Alessandra Pagliai

Mostra fotografica

We look at the world once, in childhood. The rest is memory.
[Louise Gluck]

This exhibition is brought to us by Alessandra Pagliai, a local artist of Florence, who gives us a glimpse into how she sees our world. Scatti Flaneuse is the art of casual walking, exploration with no expectations. Her photography captures the city in three different states of rain, shadows, and puddles. She prefers to shoot spontaneously, letting the atmosphere influence her photography. All images displayed were taken on the camera of her Samsung cellphone.

Alessandra is also a journalist, painter, and potter. Her aim is to capture light, a fascination she’s had since adolescence. Offering us 50x70cm and 17x12cm photographs, she invites us to explore our inner child, as well as take a journey into her passion for the outdoors, for its opportunities for encounters and unpredictableness. To keep the authenticity of her photographs, she never plans a photo, but rather lets the photo come to her.

Alessandra first encountered this space when she had coffee at Fedora, instantly being reminded of a classic Giorgio Vasari gallery, and contacted Florence University of the Arts to showcase her own artwork in collaboration with the school. As students of FUA/AUF curating this exhibition, our goal is to interact with the local community in a hands-on environment, enriching our education both through immersing ourselves in the culture, as well as first hand experience in the world of art. Working with Alessandra, we received so much insight to her artistic process that we aimed to bring to life.

Gardens of Culture – Final Student Exhibit Fall 2023

Gardens of Culture

Student Final Exhibit - Fall 2023

We are honored to showcase works from the FUA-AUF Fall, 2023 final student exhibition, “Gardens of Culture”. This exhibition is a collection of hard work, creativity and imagination of our DIVA and SAS Fine Arts students who have spent this past semester exploring various mediums such as digital and film photography, as well as ceramics.
The FUA-AUF programs participating in this exhibition are: Advanced Film Photography, Studio Photography, Intermediate Digital Photography, Introduction to Digital Photography, Introduction to Film Photography, Introduction to Street Photography, Ceramics.
Some of the projects presented in the exhibition will reflect similar themes and concepts as those discussed in the FUA/AUF Twelfth Annual Conference entitled “Gardens of Culture: Italo Calvino’s Memos for the New Millennium,” which took place on December 1 and 2.
The aim of FUA-AUFs mission is to use this curatorial project to integrate students with the community through a process of experiential learning. This immersive opportunity lets students experience the Florentine environment first hand, therefore developing a very unique way to engage with the community as well as offering a platform to develop social and cultural connections.

Tiny Florence – Spring 2024

Tiny Florence

Firenze Piccolina

Miniscule Moments and Unique Angles of “La Bella”

To capture the candid beauty of Florence and its inhabitants, FUA-AUF students photographed natural interactions between people and the landscape, in order to revitalise their observation skills and appreciation of the “little” things.

Tiny Florence is a curated collection of 5cm x 5cm black and white images, photographed by students taking the “Introduction to Street Photography” course.

“If I weren’t taking this class, I wouldn’t be looking around intentionally. I feel inspired to explore less popular areas, and am exploring my environment through the perspective of how to frame it best.”

di Laura Fauzzi


di Laura Fauzzi

Florence University of the Arts – The American University of Florence is honored to present the work and talents of Laura Fauzzi. She is a Swedish-based, self-taught artist who has refined her art here in Florence. From the young age of 13, Fauzzi has had a deep connection with art and the beauty of creating movement. To Fauzzi, making art is a meditative practice that she uses to find lightness in moments of hardship. During this meditative process, she listens to the sounds of the waves on the sea, using their rhythm to control her breaths and the flow of her hand. Fauzzi takes these heavy emotions and transforms them into works filled with light and peace.

The visual aspects of Fauzzi’s work are reminiscent of her love for dance and yoga. The figures she illustrates reflect this through their motion and fluidity. The viewer is then able to connect with Fauzzi’s creative energy, feeling and experiencing the movement projected in her art. When interacting with her work, Fauzzi desires for the viewer to express and acknowledge any and all emotions they may be experiencing, as well as leave with a tangible sense of peace and joy.

Fauzzi discovered the gallery at FUA-AUF by pure chance one afternoon while wandering the streets of Florence. The inviting atmosphere of Corridoio Fiorentino immediately caught her eye, drawing her into the space. Because of this, FUA-AUF now has the wonderful opportunity of showcasing her artwork in this exhibition. We are incredibly excited to invite Laura Fauzzi’s energy and persona into the gallery, and for the community to appreciate her incredible artwork.

FUA-AUF è onorata di esporre le opere dell’incantevole Laura Fauzzi, un’artista autodidatta di origine svedese che ha perfezionato la sua arte qui a Firenze. Fin dalla giovane età di tredici anni, Laura ha coltivato una profonda connessione con l’arte e con la bellezza di creare movimento. Fare arte è per lei una pratica meditativa, che utilizza per trovare leggerezza nei momenti di difficoltà. Durante questo processo, Laura ascolta il suono delle onde del mare e usa il loro ritmo per controllare i suoi respiri e il flusso della sua mano. Attraverso il processo di creazione, Laura trasforma le sue emozioni pesanti in opere piene di luce e pace.

Gli aspetti visivi del lavoro di Laura ricordano il suo amore per la Danza e per lo Yoga. Le figure che illustra riflettono questa passione attraverso il loro movimento e la loro fluidità, movimento che –  proiettato sull’osservatore –  permette di connettersi con l’energia che Laura sente quando crea. Quando interagisce con le sue opere Laura desidera che lo spettatore esprima e riconosca tutte le emozioni che sta vivendo, e che se ne vada con un senso tangibile di pace e gioia.

Laura ha scoperto la galleria di FUA-AUF per puro caso, un pomeriggio, mentre vagava per le strade di Firenze. Le piante e l’atmosfera del Corridoio Fiorentino hanno immediatamente catturato la sua attenzione, attirandola in quello spazio. Per questo motivo ora abbiamo la meravigliosa opportunità di esporre le sue opere: siamo veramente onorati di ospitare la sua energia e la sua personalità nella galleria attraverso le sue opere.

di Aurora Bresci

La carne delle piante

di Aurora Bresci

This exhibition by Aurora Bresci invites us to connect with the natural world. Aurora is a Livorno and Florence based artist and her work will be on display from April 11 to May 2, 2024. Her favorite technique is oil painting, which she has perfected and experimented with during her academic studies. However, Aurora has been pushing herself to explore and combine other mediums, such as the painted wooden sculptures that are being exhibited. 

To create her sculptures, Aurora uses found wood from the sea in Livorno. Aurora describes this lengthy process as a “jigsaw puzzle” that requires research and experimentation. The oil paintings in this exhibition range from 24 x 19 cm to 110 x 110 cm. Her sculptures as well as her works in oil paint seek to explore the relationship between humanity and the environment. In all, Aurora’s work aims to promote the discovery and protection of natural spaces. 

The plants and atmosphere of the Corridoio Fiorentino directly interact with Aurora’s artwork and message. To bring this exhibition to life, Aurora worked in direct collaboration with students and instructors from FUA-AUF participating in the experiential learning program. This learning opportunity allows students to become immersed in Italian art culture while engaging with the Florentine community, as the program’s mission intends.

La mostra di Aurora Bresci ci invita a entrare in contatto con il mondo naturale, le sue opere saranno esposte dall’11 aprile al 2 maggio 2024 presso il Corridoio Fiorentino. La sua tecnica preferita è la pittura a olio, che ha perfezionato e sperimentato durante gli studi universitari.

Tuttavia, Aurora si è spinta a esplorare e combinare altri mezzi, come le sculture in legno dipinto presenti nell’esposizione, realizzate utilizzando legno proveniente dal litorale tirrenico. Le sue sculture e le sue opere a olio cercano di esplorare il rapporto tra l’umanità e l’ambiente. Le piante e l’atmosfera del Corridoio Fiorentino interagiscono direttamente con le opere e il messaggio dell’Artista.

Per dar vita a questa mostra, Aurora ha lavorato in diretta collaborazione con gli studenti e gli istruttori di FUA-AUF che partecipano al programma di “Experiential Learning”, opportunità di apprendimento che consente agli studenti di immergersi nella cultura artistica italiana e di confrontarsi con la comunità fiorentina.

Final Student Exhibit – Spring 2024

Final Student Exhibit

Spring 2024

Final Student Exhibit – Spring 2024

Coinciding with Blending Magazine’s celebration of FIAT, this year’s final student exhibit adds even more depth to the story of the timeless car brand. The exhibition features a wide range of mediums, including photography, digital art and mixed media installations, showcasing the versatility and talent of FUA-AUF’s student body.

With a focus on FIAT’s creative influence, the exhibit encourages the viewer to experience the vastness of Italian culture. Altogether, immersed in a visual journey that celebrates FIAT’s legacy, the students’ work illustrates the intersection of art, culture and automotive history. The curation of this exhibition was executed by students and instructors from the institution, participating in experiential learning programs.

This immersive opportunity allowed students to delve into Italian art culture and engage with the Florentine community, leaving them with tangible, practical skills and experiences.

Tiny Florence – Summer 2024

Tiny Florence

Summer 2024