Dipingi la tua vita…

Grytė Pintukaitė nasce a Kaunas, Lituania, il 16 febbraio del 1977. E’ pittrice ritrattista, membro dell’associazione artisti della Lituania e dell’associazione “La casa degli artisti” di Perugia.  Proveniente da una famiglia di artisti, la madre insegnante e poetessa ed il padre attore di teatro drammatico, sin dall’infanzia ha seguito la sua naturale inclinazione dedicandosi allo studio di varie forme d’arte, spaziando tra musica, teatro, danza e poesia, specializzandosi in particolare nelle belle arti nel corso dei suoi studi liceali. Tra il 1995 ed il 2001 ha studiato presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Vilnius, conseguendo la laurea e superando un master in pittura. Significativi sono stati, in questo periodo, i sei mesi di studio trascorsi in Finlandia. Negli anni si è dedicata ed ancora si dedica allo studio del “Belcanto”, dando ulteriore carattere alla propria figura artistica, dove note e colori si incontrano in una sintesi di reciproci intenti.
Sino ad ora Grytė ha organizzato trentanove mostre personali e partecipato a più di cento mostre collettive, tra cui la Biennale di Venezia nel 2011, la sesta Biennale internazionale d’arte di Pechino nel 2015, il Festival internazionale “The Third Silk Road” in Cina nel 2016 e, nel 2019, la Fiera dell’arte di Barcellona. Ha partecipato a diversi simposi internazionali ed en plein air, prendendo parte a mostre in Spagna, Italia, Finlandia, Danimarca, Bielorussia, Lettonia e Lituania. Ha inoltre organizzato diversi eventi di “artistic synthesis” (sincretismo artistico). Per quindici anni Grytė ha insegnato nozioni di belle arti e teatro. Ad oggi molte delle sue opere sono presenti nelle collezioni di musei in Cina, Lettonia e Lituania, oltre che in numerose collezioni private sparse per il mondo. Oggi Grytė vive e crea in Italia, abbracciata dalla natura della Toscana.


Paint and sing your life…

Gryte Pintukaite is a painter portraitist, the member of Lithuanian Artist’s Association. Now she lives and creates in Cortona, Italy.
She was born in Kaunas, Lithuania, in a family of artists: the mother was teacher and poet, the father – drama theater actor. After the studies in Art Gymnasium in Kaunas, Lithuania and in Kankaanpaa Art School in Finland, she studied painting in Vilnius Academy of Art (Lithuania) from 1995 to 2001. She also studied singing “Belcanto” wich gaves more colors and “sounds of feelings” to her painting.
Gryte organized 39 personal exhibitions.
She participated in abaut 100 group exhibitions, from which, the most important, was the Venice Biennale in Italy, the Beijing International Art Biennale, the Silk Road International Festival in China and the Art fair of 2019 in Barcelona. She participated also in many internationals Art Symposia and Plain Airs and took part in others exhibitions in Finland, Denmark, Belarus, Latvia and Lithuania. She also organized “artistic synthesis” events. For fifteen years Gryte taught knowledge of painting, drawing and teater.
Today, a lot of artworks of Gryte Pintukaite are in the collections of museums of China, Latvia, Lithuania, as well as in private collections in Florida, England, Italy, Germany, China, Finland, France, Iceland, Latvia, Russia and Lithuania.


Breakfast in the sky, 2018, oil on canvas, 80×60

Done, 2019, oil on canvas, 70×70

Flamenco dancer, 2017, oil, acrylic on canvas, 30×30

Hotness, 2018, oil on canvas, 60×60

Ladybug of God, 2022, acrylic oil on canvas, 60×60

Mimosa, 2019, oil on canvas,24×18

Portrait of painter Sigfrido Oliva, 2017, oil, acrylic on canvas, 60×50

Still life with mimosas, 2022, oil on canvas, 50×50

Sunflower, 2021, oil on canvas, 24×18

The beauty, 2022, acrylic oil on canvas, 60×70

The beginning, 2020, acrylic, oil on canvas, 90×100

The boy with parrot, 2016, oil on canvas, 40×40

The Gift, 2020, oil on canvas, 70×60

The lunch for two, 2018, oil on canvas, 100×100

The meating with Van Gogh. Portrait of actor Alessandro Preziosi, 2020, oil, acrylic on canvas,70×70

The poppies in sky, 2020, oil , acrylic on canvas, 50×70

The rose, 2018, oil on canvas, 24×18

Woman-Poppy, 2014, oil on canvas, 40×40